Judge pulls plug on video testimony at George Boley’s trial

September 30, 2010

By Gary Craig • Staff writer • Democrat And Chronicle
Source: Democrat And Chronicle.com

If immigration authorities want to rely on testimony from Liberians who claim that Clarkson resident George Boley Sr. committed atrocities during the west African country’s civil war, those allegations will have to be made live in a Batavia courtroom.

Immigration officials had hoped to rely on videoconference testimony from more than 30 individuals in Liberia, some who allege that Boley was responsible for dozens of deaths. But on Wednesday, immigration Judge John Reid grew tired of frequent problems with the video testimony, including unreliable images and difficulties with each side understanding each other.

Reid decided to disallow all testimony from Liberia , including some presented Tuesday, according to Boley’s attorney, Buffalo-based lawyer Matthew Kolken.

The government can bring the witnesses to the U.S., Kolken said.

Boley, now 60, has lived with his family in Clarkson for decades, but he traveled to and from his homeland of Liberia and became a political leader there during the civil war.

Kolken unsuccessfully objected to the use of video testimony before the trial, maintaining that technical difficulties would slow the proceedings.

Without direct testimony from the Liberians, immigration officials are largely left with secondhand testimony from immigration agents who interviewed them.

Immigration authorities have also alleged that Boley used illegitimate documents to travel to and from Liberia. He and his attorneys have denied those charges, as well as the allegations of human rights violations.

Kolken said he is fearful that the government will use the judge’s decision to simply delay the trial even more. Boley is now detained at the federal immigration detention facility in Batavia, where he is on trial.

Already, the trial was expected to break after this week and resume in January.

Immigration officials did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday.


In Defense of George Boley: Bai Gbala Replies ‘BLOOD ON HIS HANDS’…………………….. Bai Gbala is a former political adviser to President Charles Taylor. Gbala also served as Director-General of Free Zone of Monrovia PRC military junta – Liberia 1980

September 29, 2010
Bai M. Gbala
– Former political adviser to President Charles Taylor 
– Former Director-General of Free Zone of Monrovia
PRC military junta   – Liberia 1980

Contribution Writer

Source: FrontPage Africa
This is our reaction to the FPA Editorial dated September 28, 2010 under the Headline as indicate above.
Indeed, we believe and hold that those fellow Liberians who, intentionally, willingly and unlawfully, brought hell on earth in Liberia by their acts ethnic/tribally-driven; deeply-divisive; mind-boggling destruction, human suffering, brutalities and death, should and must face the “FULL WEIGHT of THE LAW”, irrespective of socio-economic and political standing in our political community.

However, while we appreciate her concerns, we wonder whether (Mrs.?) Prudence Bushnell, an urbane, elite, Caucasian American, former US Deputy Secretary of State, US Ambassador to Kenya, Guatemala and now a consultant, is adequately prepared – knowledgeable, aware of and understands the relevant ethnic/tribal, socio-cultural, economic, political and illiteracy dynamics that gave rise to the Liberian civil war.

It is very important that we note here that Liberia and Liberians are deeply pro-America. Almost all of Liberia’s leaders, both public and private, are professionals, educated and trained in US colleges and universities; so are thousands of their children now enrolled in US schools. In socio-economic and political terms, Liberia is aligned with the USA; and in personal terms, I am who/what I am today because I am a product of US colleges and university. This, then, is to say that the values and principles of classical democracy – the rule of law and fair play, etc. – that Liberia inherited from the USA are imbedded in Liberian democratic thought.

It is, therefore, in this context that I am in profound disagreement with the several attempts made and being made – arrests/detentions/releases of Dr. George Boley – by the US Department of Homeland Security to prosecute, imprison and/or deport Dr. Boley for criminal acts allegedly committed in Liberia, but where Dr. Boley faces or is under NO indictment for such charges. These charges are, in fact, politically-motivated by some, US-based Liberians, some US journalists and organizations who, apparently, hope to derive economic gains from silencing – detention, deportation, etc. – Dr. Boley.

About three months ago, three individuals who claimed to be agents from the US Department of Home land Security with badges and IDs, led by a man who gave his name only as “Jeff” [tel.(1-716)609-0230] visited me here in Philadelphia. According to them, having read my articles critical of the arrests/detentions of Dr. Boley, they came to assure me, on behalf of the US Department of Homeland Security, that Dr. Boley is being held NOT on allegations of human rights violations in Liberia, but on immigration law violation. I called this telephone number but the gentleman who answered refused to give his full name.

Hereunder is one of my articles setting forth the reasons for my defense of Dr. Boley:

Dr. “George Boley . . . the Notorious LPC”: A Response

By Bai M. Gbala

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA March 7, 2010


Mr. Kirkpatrick Weah, a Liberian residing in the USA, writes in a widely-circulated, internent article (kirkpatrickweah@yahoo.com, February 16, 2010) that Dr. “George Boley, the man who presided over the notorious LPC, is behind bar. He (Dr. Boley) will be there (behind bars) as long as . . . those who witnessed the atrocities committed by LPC come forward like in the case of Chuckie Taylor, who is sentenced for . . . 75 years in prison” . In other internet postings, Mr. Weah takes the Liberian President (Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf) to task “for blood votes, Ellen pardons George Boley” and “pleading for Boley, what will deads do?”

Closely related, associated press reports include “George Boley of Clarkson accused of war crimes” was the headline on February 7, 2010, in the newspaper, the Democrat and Chronicle by Gary Craig (GCRAIG@DemocratandChronicle.com) and Jeffrey Goldberg writes, “George Boley, Liberian Warlord, Is Finally Under Arrest” (http://jeffreygoldberg.theatlantic.com). Additionally, Mr. Goldberg says “I was subpoenaed by a human rights group in Minnesota, the Advocates for Human Rights, to testify against Boley in a defamation lawsuit that he himself (Boley) filed against the group. I eventually provided a sworn affidavit in the case, in which I detailed what I knew of Boley’s activities in the civil war – which is a lot – . . . that his organization, the grossly-misnamed Liberia Peace Council, recruited and armed child soldiers; fed them drugs; and ordered them to rape and kill. For starters (The lawsuit, unsurprisingly, was dismissed earlier this month)”.

Moreover, a “doctored” photograph (herewith attached) shows “Field Marshall” Prince Johnson, Former President Charles Taylor (brandishing an AK-47 assault rifle) and Dr. George Boley, with the caption “what these three guys have in common is killing innocent people”. Wow, what a comparison: Dr. George Boley to Charles Taylor/Prince Johnson in terms of training, experience and the motivation for participation in our national tragedy is, in fact, “comparing apples to peaches”. We will return to this comparison later!!

Thus, by distortions, disinformation, misinformation, exaggeration and down-right lies, Mr. Kirkpatrick Weah & associates have been engaged in a well-orchestrated campaign against Dr. Boley and the LPC for some years in the USA. Their objective is to have Dr. Boley arrested and prosecuted for alleged “war crimes as a rebel and warlord during our civil war”.

This campaign, indeed, is an apparent attempt to internationalize the Anti-Krahn, Anti-ULIMO and Anti-LPC CONSPIRACY of the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) designed and dedicated to “wipe out the Krahn People, Grand Gedeh County and Mandingo People from the map of the Liberian Nation”, using Dr. George Boley, a prominent ethnic Krahn citizen of Grand Gedeh County and former leader of the historic, Resistance Movement, the Liberia Peace Council (LPC).

What are the Facts?

Firstly, that the Charles Taylor/Prince Johnson-led NPFL was, in fact, an illegal armed insurgency that invaded Liberia with designs to take political power by force of arms had been and is so self-evident that it needs no proof. For, Mr. Charles Taylor, as leader of the NPFL, has been indicted by the UN-backed Court in the Republic of Sierra Leone for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity; he is also indicted and presently under trial by the International Court at the Hague, The Netherlands, for War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, violations of the Geneva Conventions and Rules of Military Engagement. There are no such indictments or charges against Dr. Boley anywhere as leader of the LPC, a resistance Movement.

On December 24, 1989, the day of the invasion, Mr. Charles Taylor, Leader of the NPFL, announced on BBC Radio Focus on Africa, that the NPFL was engaged in an armed struggle designed to “remove a dictator”, President Samuel Kanyon Doe, an ethnic Krahn Tribesman. Not only that this announcement and subsequent activities by the NPFL provided the convenient, political foundation and explanation for and gave a unique, but tragic, expression to the “assault” upon the Krahn Tribal People, but also that the insurgency rapidly developed into a willful, vicious, systematic manipulation and exploitation of indigenous, inter-ethnic/tribal political differences. This condition inflamed inter-ethnic/tribal passions and gave rise to the historic explosion of our fifteen-year, ethnically-driven, deeply-divisive and deadly armed conflict that severely victimized the Krahn Tribal People, simply because the first indigenous person who became the nation’s elected president happened to be an ethnic Krahn citizen.

Secondly, Mr. Jucontee Thomas Woewiyu (an NPFL Ideologue & Poster Man) was not only Defense Spokesperson (Defense Minister) and head of the NPFL fighting forces, but also the No. 2 person (Taylor being No.1) in the NPFL hierarchy – planning, policy, organization, management, operations, etc. (command & control, military style). The name “Tom Woewiyu” was, indeed, “NPFL” and a national/international household-word during the heyday of the conflict. Mr. Woewiyu, in this very important, NPFL policy position, stated publicly that the “best Krahn man is a dead Krahn man”.

Thirdly, thus when “Taylor’s Bloody War” (Mr. Taylor’s own words & designation) finally reached the City of Monrovia and the gates of the Executive Mansion, it gained unparallel momentum with new (non-Krahn, non-Mandingo) “converts” who, with NPFL “freedom fighters” marched the streets of Monrovia and corridors of state power to the cadence of the famous or infamous refrain:

“Charlie come, Charlie come

To eliminate the Krahn/Mandingo People

From the map of the Liberian Nation”

Fourth, upon the capture and occupation of Grand Gedeh County in July 1990, the NPFL announced a policy decision to annex the County, the ancestral land and home of the Krahn Nation, to Nimba County. So, Had “Taylor’s Bloody War” succeeded as planed, Grand Gedeh County, indeed the Krahn Tribal People, would have been wiped off (or eliminated completely from) the face of the Liberian Nation, ceased to exist as a political subdivision and a separate, distinct socio-cultural and political entity, as we know it today.

Resistance Movements

And Fifth, because of the gruesome atrocities viciously committed against Krahn and Mandingo men, women and children, including occupation of Grandedh County with threat of annexation to Nimba County, thousands of Krahn and Mandingo families fled, as early as February and March 1990 to and took refuge in neighboring Republics of Guinea and Sierra Leone. The NPFL, however, pursued the fleeing, Liberian refugees into eastern Sierra Leone and southern Guinea, ferociously and viciously inflicting wanton destruction, human suffering and death upon them. This development created one of the most critical, turning points in the history of the NPFL insurgency and the resulting civil conflict.

The Krahn and Mandingo men and women decided that they “have had enough” and that they “will run no more”. Accordingly, the United Liberation Movement of Liberia for Democracy (ULIMO) and later, the Liberia Peace Council (LPC), were formed to RESIST the rebellious, illegal armed insurgency of the NPFL against the Government and people of the Republic of Liberia, particularly victimizing Krahn/Mandingo peoples.

Notions of Resistance Movements are not new; for, these Liberian Resistance Movements (ULIMO & LPC) were organized in the tradition of the Resistance Movements against NAZI, German threat of armed invasion and power-grab by the barrel of the gun during World War II. Notable among the WWII resistance groups are the following:

The Yugoslav Partisans

The Polish Home Army

The Soviet Partisans

The French Forces of the Interior

The Greek Resistance

The Dutch Resistance

These groups played an important role in defeating Nazi Germany; they were not arrested or tried at Nuremburg. This is not to say that zealous members of resistance forces, who violate the Geneva Accords’ Rules of Military Engagement, are exempt from arrest and prosecution for war crimes. The process, however, should and must be based on objective evidence presented in a court of law, not on hearsay, inuendos, mudslinging, character assassination, ethnic/tribal Bigotry, roped in “guilt-by-association” and ethnic/tribal profiling for political gain.

It is very important and significant to note that it was the direct result of the brave men and women of ULIMO (J & K) and LPC Resistance Movements whose sacrificial action drove the NPFL forces from southwestern Liberia – Grand Cape Mount, Bomi, and Lower Lofa Counties. ULIMO-K, under the command Professor Alhaji G. V. Kromah, took control of northwestern Liberia – the cities of Vonjama, Vahun, Bopolu, Makedu (the scene of NPFL massacre), including several towns and villages of Lofa County. Furthermore, the LPC, led by Dr. George Boley, drove the NPFL out of southeastern Liberia, where it (NPFL) had occupied Grand Gedeh County, ancestral home of the Krahn people.

Indeed, it is also very important to note here, for posterity, that if the Krahn and Mandingo Peoples of Grand Gedeh County, in collaboration with the Mandingo People of Lofa, Bomi, Grand Cape Mount, Montserrado and Nimba Counties had not spoken loudly, clearly, eloquently and acted bravely and decisively in resisting and “standing tall” to the illegal and murderous insurgency by the NPFL, the course of the recent history of our nation would be different than it is today; in that, the relative peace, law & order and individual/collective security now prevailing would not have been possible.

For, Mr. Charles Taylor and his band of “freedom fighters” were forced to restrict their activities in the so-called “Greater Liberia”, consisting mainly of Bong and Nimba Counties and to concede to peaceful, political dialogue and negotiation for the peaceful resolution of our political differences. This approach led, in turn, to the peace conferences and accords, with the final end of armed hostilities and the 1997, general and presidential elections.

Accordingly, contrary to the distortions and misinformation campaign by Mr. Kirkpatrick Weah and Company, Dr. George Boley is not a rebel, one who takes up arms against a legitimate, sovereign government; he is not a warlordlord, a professional military commander. Rather, George E. S. Boley is a professional, educational administrator with a doctorate degree in education (E.D) and years of relevant experience. Comparing Dr. Boley to Messrs. Charles Taylor and Prince Johnson is “comparing apples to peaches”. Dr. Goerge Boley was forced to lead a resistance movement against an armed insurgency engaged in indiscriminate massacre of his ethnic/tribal (krahn) people and rebellion against a legitimate government.

To the Krahn Tribal People, indeed the people of the Republic of Liberia, Dr. George Boley is a Hero.

As observed elsewhere, “my defense of Dr. George Boley arises NOT from or motivated by tribal considerations (although I am ethnic Krahn as Dr. Boley), but due primarily to my nationalist convictions, a belief in and responsibility to the service of our patrimony, fellow citizens, commitment to free, fair and transparent justice under the Rule of Law”


At this crucial point in time in the history of our country, we appeal to fellow Liberians (Messrs Kirkpatrick Weah & Asso-ciates) that it is very critical that we build Bridges of Mutual Understanding, Cooperation, Trust and Unity across Ethnic/tribal Divides; that we should and must disabuse ourselves of the out-dated, discredited notions of Ethnic/tribal Nationalism (“Country-, Congo- and Americo-Liberianism); and that which I describe as Ethnic/Tribal Bigotry – a condition of “fear, jealousy, suspicion, rivalry, antagonism and segregation/discrimination, bordering on hatred, based on considerations of ethnicity.

It is argued, reasonably, that the prevailing socio-economic and political conditions that describe Liberia as a “failed state” are due, in part, to our (hopefully past) unfortunate policy of Ethnic/tribal Exclusivity.


September 28, 2010

Source: The Liberian Dialogue

Because the following persons and individuals listed and named have committed some from of heinous crimes in the Liberia, members of the international community are asked to please refuse them entry and remove them from your coast if they are found to be residing there.

Thanks for supporting and upholding the rule of law and human rights.

1. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of the Republic Liberia
2. Randall Cooper
3. Ethelbert Cooper
4. Toga Mclntosh Gaywea
5. Jackson E. Doe
6. Dew Mason
7. Nyan Menten
8. Clarence Simpson
9. Byron Tarr
10. D. Bob Taylor
11. Harry Yuan
13. Isaac Nyenabo
14. Kabineh J’aneh, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia
15. Archie Williams
16. Tonia King
17. J. Appollo Swen
18. Joe Gbala
19. Thomas Ziah
20. Maxwell Karba
21. Ignatius Clay
22. Vamba Kanneh
23. Valee Keita
24. Paul Mulbah
25. El Mohammed Sheriff
26. Kwame Fofana
27. Alieu Kosia
28. Albert S. Toe
29. Weade Kobbah Wureh
30. Octavious Walker
31. Lavala Supuwood
32. Tom Woewiyu
33. Tarnue Marwolo, Deputy Minister of Financial for Administration
34. James Chelly
35. Amos Lincoln
36. Noah Bororddolo
37. Edward Slangar
38. Tigae Wontee
39. Mohammed Joumande
40. Prince Sio
41. Abbas Kenneh
42. Morris Dolley
43. Aisha Konneh
44. Alhaji Sekou Fofana
45. Charles Bennie
46. Morris Jarbo
47. K.B.K. Sando
48. Kai Farlely
49. Joe Tuah
50. Grace Minor

For committing the most war crimes and crimes against humanity during the armed conflict in Liberia, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has determined and designated the following persons as most notorious war criminals. Individuals so determined and designated are:

Prince Y. Johnson, Senator of Liberia
Moses Blah, Former Vice and President of Liberia
William Sumo
Mehnsayon Sayon
John Gbeto
Paulson Garteh
Augustine Zar
Joseph Kpeyon
Mateus Paily
Gen. Lawrence Guanuu
Jonathan Banney, Senator of Liberia
Albret Sumeh
Gen. Sampson
Christopher Vambo
Col. Joloka
Prince Nagbe
Pat Ran Kennedy
Abel S. Gbalah
Gen. Nally
Macdonald Tarpeh
Anthony Ponnie
Alfred Payne
Gen. Greene
Chris Davis
Col. Boy Tarley
John Guain
Michael Davis alias Sundaygar Dear-boy
CoCo Dennis
Peter Giah
Carsacar Group (NPFL) Joseph
Blood Sucker War Boss
Nuku Johnson
Red Devil
Mohammed Bar
(LPC) Superman
J.Y. NPFL delta force
Chinese Jabber Philip Kamlongar
LPC Debbah
(NPFL Marine) Fasue Gonkamue
Gen. Freeman
Sundaygar, Young Killer, Skinny
NPFL Mathew gio
NPFl Gen Gondah (Roland Ballout)
Citizen of Duo (single barrel) NPFL Unit
(NPFL) Mekamu Goweh, Saye Baoyou
(LPC) George pee Solo Garsnoo
Saah R. Gbollie, Representative of Liberia
Richard Flomo, Counsellor of the Liberian National Bar Association Jerry Riks
John Garan (Junior Garan)
Gen. Steven Wontoe
Gen Joe Tuah
David Daniel
Martina Johnson
Junior Mitchell
Gen. Fasue
George Dweh, Former Speaker of Liberia
Gen. Charles Julu
Augustine Nagbe, Gen. Gun Power
Marcus High Gray
J. Appollo Swen
Sando Johnson, Former Representative of Liberia
Joseph Marzah Alian Zigzag Marzarh
Kai Farley
Amos Barclay
Larry Murphy
Mike Tyson
Gen. Ofori Diah, alias Iron Jacket
George Warpo
Col. Zero-Zero
Peter Dahn
Co Kortor
Tommy B. Wongba
Peter Pewee, alias Gen. Katali
Gen. Erickson Bardio
Benjamin Yeatan, Former Director Special Security Service (SSS)
Roland Duo
Felix Washington
Moses Tailey
Co David
Siafa Norman
Sekou Donzo
Adolphus Dolo, Senator of Liberia
Mango Menlor
Melvin Sogbandi
Mark Guahn
Moses Thomas
Maj. Jerry Gban
Waheeb Saab
Maj. Harry Johnson
Zico Nah Darliah
Lieutenant Andrew Gaye
Arthur Nyenabo

Published this 15th day of July, A.D. 2009, by the Authority of the Association of Liberian Lawyers in the Americas Inc. {ALLA}.

Culled from Liberian lawyers.org
Source: http://Liberian lawyers.org


September 28, 2010
TQ Harris Jr.

 The 2011 elections will be meaningless if Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and others listed in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) report are allowed to participate without first addressing allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. If this issue is not properly resolved, it is likely that gains made thus far might be reversed. Liberians are sick and tired of dealing with individuals who have no respect for rule of law and we are not going to take it any more!!!

                                                                      T. Q. HARRIS, JR.

In an airplane the yoke is used to steer right and left and also to increase or decrease altitude. Pull the yoke back and the plane climbs higher; push forward to descend. When speeding along the runway the yoke is pulled back which enables the aircraft to lift and fly. I personally, as a Pilot, always look forward to that instant when the front wheels leave the ground…it’s exhilarating!

There comes a moment when it is absolutely necessary that the yoke of life is pulled back in order to climb to higher heights. Liberia, for the past 163 years, has been speeding along the runway of time but never lifting off the ground. Perhaps we have been unwilling or afraid to pull back the yoke until now. This generation will lift Liberia above the cloud of mediocrity, backwardness, illiteracy, corruption, poverty, ignorance and disease. There will be resistance, but the forces of CHANGE shall prevail! Log into TQ Harris

Vision for Liberia: www.tqharrisforpresident.com/TQ_Vision.html

The 2011 elections will be meaningless if Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and others listed in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) report are allowed to participate without first addressing allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. If this issue is not properly resolved, it is likely that gains made thus far might be reversed. Liberians are sick and tired of dealing with individuals who have no respect for rule of law and we are not going to take it any more!!!

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and those listed in the TRC report must be told in no uncertain terms that the issue of war crimes and crimes against humanity is not going away regardless of how many threats they make. They must account for their role in the rape, torture and murder of more than 300,000 Liberians!

Is there anyone who believed Charles Taylor would be forcibly removed from the Presidency and taken to jail for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Sierra Leone; while persons accused of identical crimes in Liberia not face justice? Is it conceivable Liberians could be restrained from taking action against those responsible for the carnage, now that Chucky Taylor has been sentenced to 97 years imprisonment by the U.S. Government? Did Ellen and the others truly believe Dr. George S. Boley, Sr. would be dragged into U.S. Court to account for his role in the atrocities; while they parade themselves as respectable political leaders? This is the kind of selective justice that often leads to all-out violence and impedes Africa’s progress.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been generous in giving Ellen Johnson Sirleaf an excellent opportunity to gracefully extricate herself from her quagmire. It would be unwise were she not to exploit it to the fullest. Not being allowed to hold public office does not prevent Ellen from serving her country if she so desires. By rejecting the TRC recommendations she risks a full blown trial and all that comes with it. If Ellen insists, she will be given the opportunity in a court of law to prove her innocence. However, I hasten to remind President Johnson Sirleaf of her predecessors – Presidents Doe and Taylor – who refused to heed the warnings and ended up facing disastrous consequences.

To those who believe all is well…that Liberia is back; I must warn you, there is likely to be severe turbulence ahead! The fact that those who wrecked this nation are still playing hardball is a clear indication we are a long ways from landing.

For much of this country’s history critical decisions have favored a few rather than the majority. As a result, illiteracy is high; unemployment is high; sickness & disease is high; poverty is widespread; corruption is rampant; and, Rule of Law is nonexistent. Those bearing the greatest responsibility for the mass destruction of lives and properties between 1989 and 2003 must face justice!!

If the cold-blooded murder of 250,000 defenseless men, women and children is not resolved Liberia will inevitably experience a repeat of the senseless violence. This we must not allow!

To the international partners, we ask; what is most important: protecting the interests of a select few, or ensuring the safety of the larger population? If the interests of the majority are paramount – as it ought to be – then you must support the formation of a Special Court, Screening of Candidates for the 2011 elections, and Funding the Opposition. Without this, Liberia will continue to be a violent, lawless nation and the epic center of instability within the West African sub-region.
The Author: T. Q. Harris, Jr. is a member of the Free Democratic Party (of Liberia) who is expected to be a Presidential candidate in the 2011 Election. Mr. Harris in 1997 was the Vice Presidential nominee of his Party. He is currently the Chairman of Liberian Contempt UPS. To get more information: http://www.tqharrisforpresident.com/; http://www.friendsoftq.org/; liberia1@charter.net; and Phone: (562) 256-4271 Liberia: (231) 6 538827


September 28, 2010


In an airplane the yoke is used to steer right and left and also to increase or decrease altitude. Pull the yoke back and the plane climbs higher; push forward to descend. When speeding along the runway the yoke is pulled back which enables the aircraft to lift and fly. I personally, as a Pilot, always look forward to that instant when the front wheels leave the ground…it’s exhilarating!

There comes a moment when it is absolutely necessary that the yoke of life is pulled back in order to climb to higher heights. Liberia, for the past 163 years, has been speeding along the runway of time but never lifting off the ground. Perhaps we have been unwilling or afraid to pull back the yoke until now. This generation will lift Liberia above the cloud of mediocrity, backwardness, illiteracy, corruption, poverty, ignorance and disease. There will be resistance, but the forces of CHANGE shall prevail! Log into TQ Harris
Vision for Liberia: www.tqharrisforpresident.com/TQ_Vision.html

The 2011 elections will be meaningless if Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and others listed in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) report are allowed to participate without first addressing allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. If this issue is not properly resolved, it is likely that gains made thus far might be reversed. Liberians are sick and tired of dealing with individuals who have no respect for rule of law and we are not going to take it any more!!!

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and those listed in the TRC report must be told in no uncertain terms that the issue of war crimes and crimes against humanity is not going away regardless of how many threats they make. They must account for their role in the rape, torture and murder of more than 300,000 Liberians!

Is there anyone who believed Charles Taylor would be forcibly removed from the Presidency and taken to jail for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Sierra Leone; while persons accused of identical crimes in Liberia not face justice? Is it conceivable Liberians could be restrained from taking action against those responsible for the carnage, now that Chucky Taylor has been sentenced to 97 years imprisonment by the U.S. Government? Did Ellen and the others truly believe Dr. George S. Boley, Sr. would be dragged into U.S. Court to account for his role in the atrocities; while they parade themselves as respectable political leaders? This is the kind of selective justice that often leads to all-out violence and impedes Africa’s progress.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been generous in giving Ellen Johnson Sirleaf an excellent opportunity to gracefully extricate herself from her quagmire. It would be unwise were she not to exploit it to the fullest. Not being allowed to hold public office does not prevent Ellen from serving her country if she so desires. By rejecting the TRC recommendations she risks a full blown trial and all that comes with it. If Ellen insists, she will be given the opportunity in a court of law to prove her innocence. However, I hasten to remind President Johnson Sirleaf of her predecessors – Presidents Doe and Taylor – who refused to heed the warnings and ended up facing disastrous consequences.

To those who believe all is well…that Liberia is back; I must warn you, there is likely to be severe turbulence ahead! The fact that those who wrecked this nation are still playing hardball is a clear indication we are a long ways from landing.

For much of this country’s history critical decisions have favored a few rather than the majority. As a result, illiteracy is high; unemployment is high; sickness & disease is high; poverty is widespread; corruption is rampant; and, Rule of Law is nonexistent. Those bearing the greatest responsibility for the mass destruction of lives and properties between 1989 and 2003 must face justice!!

If the cold-blooded murder of 250,000 defenseless men, women and children is not resolved Liberia will inevitably experience a repeat of the senseless violence. This we must not allow!

To the international partners, we ask; what is most important: protecting the interests of a select few, or ensuring the safety of the larger population? If the interests of the majority are paramount – as it ought to be – then you must support the formation of a Special Court, Screening of Candidates for the 2011 elections, and Funding the Opposition. Without this, Liberia will continue to be a violent, lawless nation and the epic center of instability within the West African sub-region.


The Author: T. Q. Harris, Jr. is a member of the Free Democratic Party (of Liberia) who is expected to be a Presidential candidate in the 2011 Election. Mr. Harris in 1997 was the Vice Presidential nominee of his Party. He is currently the Chairman of Liberian Contempt UPS. To get more information: http://www.tqharrisforpresident.com/; http://www.friendsoftq.org/; liberia1@charter.net; and Phone: (562) 256-4271 Liberia: (231) 6 538827

BLOOD ON HIS HANDS’: Boley Trial Spells Doom for Supporters of Liberia’s War

September 28, 2010

George Boley Sr.

Former warlords in Liberia could take a page from the ongoing trial of the former head of the Liberia Peace Council George Boley in the United States of America with a sounding message that Liberia’s adopted stepfather could no longer lay down the welcome mat for those blamed for the destruction of human lives and economic demise.

Also see: The Democratic and ChronicleGeorge Boley Sr. case has war crimes aspect
Source: Front Page Africa

Monrovia –

Former warlords in Liberia could take a page from the ongoing trial of the former head of the Liberia Peace Council George Boley in the United States of America with a sounding message that Liberia’s adopted stepfather could no longer lay down the welcome mat for those blamed for the destruction of human lives and economic demise.

SAW IT COMING: “While it is important for the people of Liberia to put their ugly past behind them, those responsible for the atrocities must face the full weight of the law.”

Prudence Bushnell, Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State for African Affairs, in a telephone interview with FrontPageAfrica Monday.

Prudence Bushnell, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs saw the writings on the wall more than a decade ago in June 1994 when she told Boley and a group of coalition of Liberian political groups that Boley would be a “prime candidate” for exclusion from the U.S. and that he and others thwarting an attempt at peace in the west African country would “no longer be welcomed in the United States.”

Fast forward to 2010, Boley’s life has been a living hell over the past few years coupled with several arrests on immigration charges and a war crimes trial which got underway Monday at a federal detention facility in Batavia, New York, the United States of America. U.S. officials have for years, challenged Boley’s claims of innocence during the bloody Liberian civil war, and the outcome of the trial could see Boley’s status revoked and a possible deportation to Liberia or even jail.

Ms. Bushnell

Full weight of the law

On Monday, Ms. Bushnell told FrontPageAfrica via phone that while it is important for the people of Liberia to put their ugly past behind them, those responsible for the atrocities must face the full weight of the law.

Bushnell’s predication was first made public Monday by Boley’s hometown newspaper, the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, citing now-declassified record of the meetings between Boley’s group and Bushnell.

The Democratic and Chronicle reported that Boley was one of a handful of Liberian “warlords” whom Bushnell, with mixed results, encouraged to engage in peace. Boley, even then, also maintained a life and family in Clarkson. And, now, 16 years after the meeting in Liberia, U.S. immigration officials are seeking to deport him.

U.S. Immigration and Naturalization officials contend that Boley is responsible for atrocities in Liberia, including the slaughter of civilian women and children, and that he led children into battle in the jungle. In a more bureaucratic-based and common immigration allegation, officials also charge that Boley has been returning to the U.S. on illegitimate documents and can’t live here legally.

Boley headed a faction known as the Liberia Peace Council, or LPC, during the civil war, a struggle that stretched from 1989 to 2003 and claimed more than 200,000 lives. He has maintained that his sole intent was peace, and that he did not oversee or engage in violence against civilians.

Blood on his Hands’

Bushnell says there were few Liberian faction leaders who were innocent during the civil war.

Prince Johnson

Prince Johnson

“As far as I knew there was not a warlord in Liberia at the time of these struggles … who did not have blood on his hands,” said Bushnell, who also served as the American ambassador to Kenya and Guatemala and now lectures and consults on international relations.

Despite the charges, Boley’s lawyer, Matthew Kolken, based in Buffalo, says he has yet to see reliable evidence of human rights violations by Boley when he headed the LPC. The government has indicated it may call up to 42 witnesses, many of them piped in via videoconference from Liberia. “It doesn’t appear that any of these witnesses have any firsthand accountings that would directly connect my client to any atrocities that occurred in Liberia,” Kolken said. But Boley supporters say, evidence will show that his documentation to stay in the United States was authentic.

As the trial of Boley gets underway, political observers say, the case could serve as a litmus test for many of the other warlords who fought alongside or opposite Boley during the civil war. More importantly, it could shatter travel plans to the U.S. for many of those who played major in the Liberian civil war.

Special unit for war crimes

Alhaji Kromah

Alhaji Kromah

Legal experts in the U.S. say, the case against Boley could likely open a Pandora box and an offspring of investigations by a war crimes unit within the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

The unit emerged and developed after ICE was created (in 2002) and since its emergence a number of war crimes violators from around the world have been targeted. In January 2009, Charles Taylor Jr., a.k.a. ‘Chuckie’ Taylor became the first Liberian casualty. Taylor’s son was sentenced to 97 years in prison following his earlier conviction in a Federal District Court in Miami on six counts of committing acts of torture and conspiracy to commit torture in Liberia. These convictions represent the first successful application of the federal criminal torture statute (18 USC 2340a) since it was enacted into law in 1994. Charles Taylor Jr., commanded the notorious Anti-Terrorism Unit that suppressed opposition to his father’s regime through brutal acts of torture and murder.

ICE’s website cites the Chuckie Taylor investigation as groundbreaking in the scope of both the international and inter-governmental agency coordination needed to ensure a successful indictment and prosecution. This included working in close partnership with the DOJ Domestic Security Section in Washington D.C. and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Miami; the FBI, the Department of State-Diplomatic Security Service, and the Office of the Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone. The result was locating and bringing to the United States witnesses and victims who described Emmanuel’s direct involvement in at least three killings and acts of torture using electric shocks, lit cigarettes, molten plastic, hot irons, stabbings with bayonets and even biting ants shoveled onto people’s bodies.

Today, Boley’s alleged role in the Liberian civil war is being discussed in various Liberian circles and the issue has divided many Liberians in and out of the country over whether he is responsible for violence the LPC committed during the country’s conflict.

As Boley awaits his fate, critics point to many other alleged supporters of the war and whether they could possibly face similar fates. Some observers say prosecutions risk upsetting a power balance that has stuck largely by co-opting former warlords, some of whom have Senate seats. One of those recommended for prosecution, Prince Johnson, is a senator and plans to run for president himself.

George Boley and Samuel K. Doe

Boley was the first Minister of State for Presidential Affairs in the Peoples Redemption Council government. For Boley, the outcome of the trial could offer severe consequences. The former warlord is married to an American and his children are also American, born in the U.S. Boley even has properties in the U.S.

 The most important involves the incumbent President Ellen Sirleaf. A report in 2009 by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), set up to investigate war crimes, recommended that the Sirleaf be banned from office for 30 years for backing the rebellion of former warlord and President Charles Taylor. The President has admitted she funded Taylor but says she was misled and she has declined to comment on the TRC’s suggestions, which the committee cannot enforce but which parliament can enact.

Jerome Verdier

The government is weighing prosecuting some people named in the report for war crimes, but it will be hard for Sirleaf to back that call then ignore the one that she be barred. Jerome Verdier, head of the TRC says there is no credible argument for non-implementation of the report. “Those arguing against the report, it’s out of fear or interest,” says Verdier.

Ironically, Boley Boley participated in the country’s first post-war presidential election, held on July 19 1997. Running under the banner of the National Democratic Party of Liberia, Boley won only 1.26% of the vote. Besides Boley several former warlords have toyed with the idea of the Presidency. Alhaji Kromah, leader of the United Liberation Movement of Liberia for Democracy, the resistance armed group that forced Charles Taylor to a negotiating table that eventually brought tangible political solution to the Liberian conflict, also contested the July 19, 1997 presidential election. Running under the banner of the All Liberia Coalition Party(ALCOP), Kromah placed third, winning 4.02% of the vote. Kromah ran again as the party’s presidential candidate in the 11 October 2005 elections in which he was again defeated, receiving 2.8% of the vote. In 2009, Kromah unsuccessfully sought the vacant Montserrado County Senatorial by-elections seat won by Geraldine Doe of the Congress for Democratic Change.

Sekou Damate Konneh

Sekou Damate Konneh, the leader of the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy(LURD) contested the October 2005 Presidential elections. Running under the banner of the Progressive Democratic Party, Konneh received less than 1% of the vote.
Sekou Damate Konneh, the leader of the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy(LURD) contested the October 2005 Presidential elections. Running under the banner of the Progressive Democratic Party, Konneh received less than 1% of the vote.

Besides the presidential quest of the former warlords, at least two others from vote-rich Nimba now occupy seats in the National legislature. Prince Johnson, who ran as an independent holds the senior senator’s seat while Adolphus Dolo is the junior senator from the county. Johnson, ironically has declared his intentions to seek the presidency in 2011. His party, the National Union for Democratic Progress has already been given the green light by the National Elections Commission.

For Boley, the outcome of the trial could offer severe consequences. The former warlord is married to an American and his children are also American, born in the U.S. Boley even has properties in the U.S.

In recent months, the Rochester and Democrat reports that some of Boley’s neighbors and friends in Clarkson have written the immigration court, encouraging the judge to allow Boley to stay free as the trial progresses. In the correspondence, Boley is described as a devout and hard-working man, always quick to help a neighbor in need. The U.S. government is against the release of Boley, and he has been detained since his immigration arrest in January. He is likely to be detained for months more; a second phase of the trial isn’t scheduled until January.

The U.S. authorities had originally indicated it would complete its testimony this week, and Boley’s defense would begin its case in January. But Boley’s lawyer says he received notice this week that the government expects it will need more time to finish the presentation of its case, meaning that the hopes of a resolution in January could be optimistic.

Boley’s lawyers are however skeptical that the U.S. authorities are trying to exhaust Boley by stretching out the proceedings. “They’re extending his jail time,” Kolken is quoted by the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle as saying.

Liberia ex-warlord Prince Johnson in leader race

September 25, 2010
General Prince Johnson
Former battle field commander
for Charles Taylor
NPFL rebels 
(Now Senetor Johnson)

Source: BBC NEWS

Former Liberian warlord Prince Johnson has told the BBC there is no reason he cannot stand in the country’s presidential elections next year.
Mr Johnson, now an elected senator, said military leaders been elected in other countries.
His party was given the green light to compete in the polls earlier this week.
He is notorious for a 1990 video, in which he was seen drinking beer as his men cut off the ears of ex-President Samuel Doe, before killing him.

There has been a mixed reaction to his bid for power, with critics saying it could threaten the country’s fragile peace.
Mr Johnson was a warlord during civil war between 1989 and 2003, in which some 250,000 people died.

‘No exception’

Mr Johnson told the BBC’s World Today programme that Liberia was no different to other countries that had fought war.

“We had a civil war like any other country, like America, like other countries that fought war,” Mr Johnson said.

“They emerged from the war and then they moved their nation forward.

“General de Gaulle was a general who was involved in warfare but he became president who was elected by his people. You get Franklin D Roosevelt, you get General Eisenhower… Liberia is no exception”.

Mr Johnson added that he had fought “to liberate our people from an oppressive regime” and apologised for any suffering caused during that time.

However, Liberian journalist Nyekeh Forkpa said he did not think Mr Johnson should stand in the elections, as the scars from the war remained too fresh.

In 2005, the former warlord was overwhelmingly elected senator for Nimba country.

He is set to run against Liberia’s President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Africa’s first democratically elected female leader, and George Weah, a former footballer, in polls scheduled for November 2011.

Liberia’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission has recommended that Mr Johnson be banned from holding public office for his role in the war.

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
Former financial supporter of
Charles Taylor NPFL rebels 
( Ms Johnson-Sirleaf is now the President of Liberia)

It has said the same about Ms Sirleaf, who has admitted to backing ex-President Charles Taylor, who is currently on trial for war crimes at The Hague.


September 24, 2010

T.Q. Harris Jr.

Introduction 1.0

Geography, Population, History , Culture, Resources (human and material) as well as current global trends are factors taken into account in formulating TQ Harris Vision for Liberia. While its population and physical size may not be conducive for certain pursuits; Liberia’s history, geography, population and vast resources are tremendous assets for specific concentrations, which is extremely helpful when formulating a national agenda.

TQ Harris envisages a New Liberia that is strongest particularly in two promising areas: 1. International Finance; and 2. Green Technology. Liberia has the potential of becoming a major Financial Center and also an active Laboratory for Green Technologies. This vision, obviously, is a projection looking 20 to 30 years into the future. However, when elected President; TQ Harris on day one shall steer the nation toward making this dream a reality.

His Vision is based on the belief that Africa is the last frontier for major wealth creation in the 21st Century, primarily due to an abundance of natural resources and its dismal state of development. Therefore, it is safe to assume Trillions of Dollars will flow in, out and across Africa in the not too distant future. Managing these assets will for the most part be done here on the Continent.

Investment in infrastructure and human development across Africa within the next 20 to 25 years is likely to reach an unprecedented level. Spending across the board in a single month might cause the crash of a supercomputer if not cooled properly. That means the volume of financial activities necessary to sustain what is likely to be a sudden, astronomical economic volcano will invariably create opportunities for those that are equipped and ready to meet the demand. We intend to position Liberia such that it becomes the prime location for managing and overseeing the massive volume of capital which no doubt will forever change the face of Africa. To this end, we shall begin building the infrastructure and developing the human resources that will make Liberia the preferred location for major financial institutions – Banks, Insurance companies, Investment companies, Holdings companies, etc.. The journey to become a major International Financial Center begins in 2011!

The second leg of TQ Harris Vision is another transformation for Liberia. This involves making the country an active laboratory for Green technologies. Since the entire country has to be rebuilt; why not start by laying an environmentally friendly foundation? The vision is based upon the premise that renewable energy shall play a vital role in shaping the future. The goal, therefore, shall be to make Liberia a functional environmentally friendly model that others could emulate. To this end, the New Liberia shall be designed and built around energy conservation and environmental preservation. We shall take steps immediately to protect the awesome rain forest – a national treasure that is still intact – so it may contribute to human advancement and enjoyed by future generations. Meanwhile, environmental consciousness shall become a way of life for Liberians. With proper planning Liberia in the not too distant future shall host major research projects and may even become a prime destination for tourists.

Lastly, Meritocracy shall be the standard for advancement in the New Liberia. Also, the rights of the individual, including freedom of worship shall be protected under the law.



2.1 Security
2.2 Corruption In Government
2.3 Special Court
2.4 Legal System (Phase I)
2.5 War Victims
2.6 Healing and Reconciliation


3.1 Food Production
3.2 National Health Care (Phase I)
3.3 Education

(Phase I)


4.1 Job Creation
4.2 Public Transportation
4.3 Liberians In The Diaspora
4.4 Financing The Vision


5.1 Political Sub-division
5.2 Government Overhaul
5.3 The Constitution
5.4 National Symbols
5.5 New Political Capital


6.1 National Electrical Grid
6.2 Road Construction
6.3 Water and Sewer System
6.4 Air and Sea Ports (Phase I)

The complete Long-term agenda for systematically creating the New Liberia within a period of 25 years is contained in the document entitled: Liberia Strategic Recovery Plan.

The Author: T. Q. Harris, Jr. is a member of the Free Democratic Party (of Liberia) who is expected to be a Presidential candidate in the 2011 Election. Mr. Harris in 1997 was the Vice Presidential nominee of his Party. He is currently the Chairman of Liberian Contempt UPS. To get more information: http://www.tqharrisforpresident.com; http://www.friendsoftq.org; liberia1@charter.net; and Phone: (562) 256-4271 Liberia: 231 6 538827

Copyright © 2010


September 24, 2010


Introduction 1.0

Geography, Population, History , Culture, Resources (human and material) as well as current global trends are factors taken into account in formulating TQ Harris Vision for Liberia. While its population and physical size may not be conducive for certain pursuits; Liberia’s history, geography, population and vast resources are tremendous assets for specific concentrations, which is extremely helpful when formulating a national agenda.

TQ Harris envisages a New Liberia that is strongest particularly in two promising areas: 1. International Finance; and 2. Green Technology. Liberia has the potential of becoming a major Financial Center and also an active Laboratory for Green Technologies. This vision, obviously, is a projection looking 20 to 30 years into the future. However, when elected President; TQ Harris on day one shall steer the nation toward making this dream a reality.

His Vision is based on the belief that Africa is the last frontier for major wealth creation in the 21st Century, primarily due to an abundance of natural resources and its dismal state of development. Therefore, it is safe to assume Trillions of Dollars will flow in, out and across Africa in the not too distant future. Managing these assets will for the most part be done here on the Continent.

Investment in infrastructure and human development across Africa within the next 20 to 25 years is likely to reach an unprecedented level. Spending across the board in a single month might cause the crash of a supercomputer if not cooled properly. That means the volume of financial activities necessary to sustain what is likely to be a sudden, astronomical economic volcano will invariably create opportunities for those that are equipped and ready to meet the demand. We intend to position Liberia such that it becomes the prime location for managing and overseeing the massive volume of capital which no doubt will forever change the face of Africa. To this end, we shall begin building the infrastructure and developing the human resources that will make Liberia the preferred location for major financial institutions – Banks, Insurance companies, Investment companies, Holdings companies, etc.. The journey to become a major International Financial Center begins in 2011!

The second leg of TQ Harris Vision is another transformation for Liberia. This involves making the country an active laboratory for Green technologies. Since the entire country has to be rebuilt; why not start by laying an environmentally friendly foundation? The vision is based upon the premise that renewable energy shall play a vital role in shaping the future. The goal, therefore, shall be to make Liberia a functional environmentally friendly model that others could emulate. To this end, the New Liberia shall be designed and built around energy conservation and environmental preservation. We shall take steps immediately to protect the awesome rain forest – a national treasure that is still intact – so it may contribute to human advancement and enjoyed by future generations. Meanwhile, environmental consciousness shall become a way of life for Liberians. With proper planning Liberia in the not too distant future shall host major research projects and may even become a prime destination for tourists.

Lastly, Meritocracy shall be the standard for advancement in the New Liberia. Also, the rights of the individual, including freedom of worship shall be protected under the law.


2.1 Security
2.2 Corruption In Government
2.3 Special Court
2.4 Legal System (Phase I)
2.5 War Victims
2.6 Healing and Reconciliation

3.1 Food Production
3.2 National Health Care (Phase I)
3.3 Education

(Phase I)

4.1 Job Creation
4.2 Public Transportation
4.3 Liberians In The Diaspora
4.4 Financing The Vision

5.1 Political Sub-division
5.2 Government Overhaul
5.3 The Constitution
5.4 National Symbols
5.5 New Political Capital

6.1 National Electrical Grid
6.2 Road Construction
6.3 Water and Sewer System
6.4 Air and Sea Ports (Phase I)

The complete Long-term agenda for systematically creating the New Liberia within a period of 25 years is contained in the document entitled: Liberia Strategic Recovery Plan.

The Author: T. Q. Harris, Jr. is a member of the Free Democratic Party (of Liberia) who is expected to be a Presidential candidate in the 2011 Election. Mr. Harris in 1997 was the Vice Presidential nominee of his Party. He is currently the Chairman of Liberian Contempt UPS. To get more information: http://www.tqharrisforpresident.com; http://www.friendsoftq.org; liberia1@charter.net; and Phone: (562) 256-4271 Liberia: 231 6 538827

Copyright © 2010


September 24, 2010
Written by Abraham Hoff
Chief Community Organizer of LEAD Liberia

The theme “BY GOD’S COMMAND” is the quest for level playing fields through the eyes of the masses. To all Presidential Candidates, what will you do to provide level playing fields for the masses? This generation is belief to be the chosen generation in modern history. It is an unstoppable force that the world had ever seen since its inception; 60 to 100 years ago, young people were asked to stay in the back why their parents take on the fight for social justice, peace and equality but today young people are leading the fight for justice, peace and equality across the world.

We don’t have to take a survey to know that we are part of the chosen generation from Africa to North America; from South America to Asia; from Europe to Australia and Antarctica; we have seen innovation in technology, politics and the internet while global warming is on the rise therefore we have the responsibility to protect ourselves, children and the nation that have been entrusted to us “BY GOD COMMAND”. We have the responsibility to provide social justice and equality for all, regardless of tribal, religious and traditional believes. What will you do to ensure justice and equality for all?

We have the ability to accomplish things our founding fathers never dream off. We have the responsibility to protect the civil liberties, justice and equality for all of mankind regardless socioeconomic class, religious and traditional believes because we have been called to a higher calling. We have the responsibility to make sure that no child goes to bed hungry and that all children are given the same chances and opportunities through incentives for ambition, while managing and constricting greed and exploitation that may lead to the masses being dependent on the few who control everything. What will you do to ensure that all children are given the same chances and opportunities through incentives for ambition, while managing and constricting greed and exploitation in the private and public sectors?

We have the responsibility to empower the people through education because when the people are empowered they become the backbone that builds the country. We must not forget that economy empowerment and families’ values are the core values of development, which leads to security, peace and prosperity for all. We have the responsibility to limit monetary waste while eliminating fraud and corruption through government over-sized programs. What will you do to empower the Liberian people?

Just like God, went he told the forefathers of the children of Israel that they were not going to enter the promise land instead he allowed their children to posses the land. Today, God has called us to possess the promise land. This doesn’t mean it going to be easy however one thing that’s sure is, we are going to win because if God is for us who can be against us. And if GOD commands, we cannot fail. However, we need to be untied because in union strong success is sure and with God above we shall overall prevail and shall meet the foes because our country cause defending. What this mean is we have been destined for greatness. Just like Pharaoh, went he was told to let the children of Israel go; he refused but the strong hands of God compelled him to let the children of Israel go because power will not give up power easily but if God is for us who can be against us.

Power will not give up power easily but if we speak with one voice and united on a common cause power shall surrender to power. The children of Israel were called to greatness therefore they could not fail. Greatness is from God and the interest of God cannot be stopped. I came to understand that a person who sits back and complains about the system of injustice, oppression and suppression while doing nothing is just as guilty as those who institutionalized these systems. It is just like the person who wants to become a doctor, lawyer, etc. but doesn’t want to go to school that person is just like anyone who does not plan for the future.

We cannot sit back and complain about how things are not right; how the system is broken and needs to be fixed. Poverty is on the rise while injustice is the hallmark of the day. The price of gaining high school and college education is unbearable for both parents and students. Hunger and diseases are killing millions of parents and children at like, even right in our back yards. We don’t have to travel far to know that this is the reality our families, friends, and neighbors are faced with each day; many parents have to choose between feeling their children and sending them to school, this shouldn’t be in our society. Our words must be matched with our actions because sitting back, complaining and doing nothing about the challenges we faced each day will not solve the problems in our society. What will you do to make sure your words match your actions?

We must do the right thing by engaging and educating ourselves while advocating for social justice, peace and equality because we have the power to compel change for the better. Change that intends to engage and educate all politicians about the lack of self-sufficiency, unity, national identity and inheritance in a country that was ruined by 14 years of uncivil war that led to over 250,000 Liberians’ death. The important of faith, value and determination in a society where people survive through hoping that one day things would get better for the nation, children and themselves.

Thank you and May God bless the Republic of Liberia.

LEAD Organizing For Liberia

Abraham Hoff, Chief Community Organizer
077384990 leadliberia@yahoo.com